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Foosball Books - Read The Best Books About Foosball

Foosball Books – Read The Best Books About Foosball

I was wondering if you could improve a skill which is based on physical abilities – like Foosball, by reading books? Or can books only be used to develop more memory based abilities like Maths or History?

Researching this on Google I found that skills based on physical attributes could indeed be improved by reading! This is because you need to know what you are trying to achieve when you are practising and playing. Also, you can get new ideas from books which you can then use on the Foosball table.

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Why Read About Foosball? What Is The Point?

Reading books has gone out of fashion, and nowadays most people would rather watch a movie or read things off the internet.

However, reading books has a lot of advantages that you may not have realised. These advantages below, apply to all books, not just books on Foosball. There are no disadvantages to learning about a new thing and improving  your mind

You Have To Stick To One Topic

While you are reading a book, in the bath or on the train, you have to learn about a single topic, and usually in a specific order – From front to back.

When you are reading about Foosball on the internet, you will skip from article to article without finishing any of them. It is very likely you will be chatting on Facebook for an hour without realising that you have stopped learning how to do a “Tic-Tack shot”.

Increase Knowledge

Whenever you read you fill your head with new items of information, this is stored until it comes in handy. The more knowledge you have in your head, the better equipped you will be to tackle the challenges you will face in life. For example, in Foosball you may need to know how to defend well against an aerial shot!

The other great thing about knowledge is that generally it costs nothing and is something that cannot be taken away from you

Expand Your Vocabulary

The more you read, the more words you will be exposed to and you will start to use them in your everyday vocabulary. You will sound more knowledgeable about foosball, even if you are not (Just don’t play J ) Being well-spoken and articulate is a great help in most situations

Improve Your Memory

When you read a book, you need to remember what you read on the previous pages for everything to make sense, and when reading about a foosball move, you need to remember all the steps to perform that new move.

Every new thing you read forms new pathways in your brain (synapses) and make existing ones stronger. This improves your long-term memory, and an active mind will resist brain diseases like Alzheimer’s

Improve Your Writing Skills

With the expansion of your vocabulary, your writing skills will improve, reading well-written books will enhance your own writing, as you absorb the styles of authors you are reading with no effort on your part

Can You Improve Practical Skills Reading?

When you are trying to improve a practical skill like Foosball, you will need to do a lot of practice at the table to become a great player.

You will need to practice the pullshot for a lot of hours to perfect it, the same as any skill. But if you a beginner, what is a pullshot? And if your arm starts to ache from doing the same movements over and over, what should you do about it? You need information in your head if you want to learn new skills. And one of the best ways to do this is to read books!

All the information you will need, that has been thought through by experts, proofread by professionals, and nothing will be missed! Just about everyone can learn things about Foosball from books!

Having said that, you are still going to have to put in a lot of practice to learn a physical skill, but at least you should not be practicing the wrong thing!

Which Type Of Book? Physical Or EBook?

There are now 2 types of book, the physical book and the electronic eBook.

Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. Personally, I prefer the physical book, but I do not have any. I am currently travelling and I need the ebook advantage of not weighing anything!

Here is a quick list of the advantages and disadvantages of both

  • eBooks are nearly always with you on phones etc
  • eBooks weigh nothing, books are heavy
  • ebooks arrive immediately once you have bought them
  • eBooks are better for the environment
Physical Books
  • Physical books are easier to read
  • Physical books can be read in the bath
  • Physical books can be lent to friends

Foosball Related Gift Idea

It can be hard to find gifts related to Foosball! There is not a lot of equipment needed for the game, and it is relatively inexpensive.

Most Foosball players have what they need, so why not consider giving a Foosball book?

Zen And The Art Of Foosball: A Beginner’s Guide To Table Soccer

Pages : 164

Welcome to the exciting world of foosball! This book is your guide to learning how to play foosball.

In this book, you will learn the basics of the game: how to pass the ball, shoot the ball, and defend against shots. You will also learn advanced techniques for improving your game. Advanced players can also find useful information for increasing their level of play.

Before long, you may find yourself playing in a professional tournament! So, get ready to join the legion of players discovering a sport that is now in its golden age.

This is a sport that everyone can enjoy!

Foosball For Beginners: A Guide To Foosball And Table Soccer

Pages : 92

Many games thought out history have gained a following of vast and impressive proportions, and few have even been lost to time or relegated to that dark, uncertain place in human history where lost things go to dwell.

Among them all however is a game that has been discovered, allowed to visit that lost area, and then been dusted off in order to capture the attention of players once again. Combining more than one element of play, this game has been known far and wide by many different names and has been recreated in various different forms as well. 

How To Play And Win At Foosball

Pages : 68

Michael Amato, a former top flight tournament player and flat out offensive whiz has scored once again with this informative and enjoyable “how to”.

The way he walks you through his offensive shot selection, including push-kick/pull-kick technique, is easy to understand and delightfully illustrated. If you want to improve, and do it quickly, buy the book. Then practice. Then win tournaments.

Anatomy Of A Pull Shot: Advanced Foosball Techniques

Pages : 165

This book is about shooting pull shots and playing the game of foosball using a pull shot as your main offensive shot.

The main advantage a pull shot has over other shot options is that an offensive player can see the entire pull shot. Basically, when at the 3-bar a pull shot shooter has a wide open goal every time a long pull shot is attempted.

The Complete Book Of Foosball

Pages : 164

Another fantastic book, with some great tips, some a little dated but It covers the modern competitive moves reasonable well

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